Rapid Adjustments at the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways

Things are moving quickly at MHI in recent weeks.  Here is some information you need to know:


Spring Kick-Off Meeting

If you did not already receive the email directly from MHI, note that the Spring Kick-Off (Owner’s Engineers) Meeting originally scheduled for April 2nd has now been cancelled.

Adjustments to Procurement

Because Single Procurement Service resources have necessarily had to significantly increase their level of effort to support specific COVID-19 requirements, SPS will now be offering written debriefs to consultants.

Consultants will receive the following information, after the technical and financial evaluation have been completed and approved:  

If consultants require further information, they can contact:

McNair Consultations Continue

Despite the advent of COVID-19, the Ministry of Highways, facilitated by McNair, is continuing its consultations about consultant procurement processes.  This initiative is still at the discussion stage.  ACEC-SK will be advising its members of outcomes when decisions have been taken.


March 31, 2020

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