New Board Chair’s Message

Jun 2, 2023 | Industry News

It is with excitement I begin my term as Chair of the ACEC-SK Board of Directors for 2023-2024.  As I begin this term, I feel confident in undertaking many of the initiatives and good work that is necessary to represent and benefit our consulting engineering members in this province.

As I gave thought to the year ahead many words around our association came to mind including transition, unprecedented, engagement and procurement.  As ACEC-SK has announced we have retained a new Executive Director in Mark Cooper.  I am very excited to enter this new phase for the association with Mark as our Executive Director.  His track record, enthusiasm, connections in Saskatchewan and understanding of our business will undoubtedly lead us into a different era for the association.

It is bittersweet to give thought to a new era with a new face as our Executive Director.   Beverly MacLeod was the heartbeat of this association for 14 years.  Her contributions can’t be captured here but they are many and anyone that has been part of the association knows what Bev has done in her time here.  Thank-you Bev!

We hear the word unprecedented frequently these days.  We are in unprecedented times globally with supply chain issues continuing to disrupt and plague project delivery and pricing.  We have also seen financial pressures as interest rates have risen sharply to combat the high levels of inflation.  This has had direct impacts on the members of our association as we strived to deliver projects and retain / acquire talented staff and maintain our business.  We will continue to evaluate with our members what the upcoming months and year bring and how the association can continue to support our members in this forum.

I have seen many positive signs from our members that we have growing and strengthening engagement within the association. We absolutely need involvement from our members in order to have a meaningful impact.  Volunteerism was a concern in past years and always will be, but now that the COVID pandemic is firmly behind us I hope we can continue to have strong consistent engagement and involvement from our members in the upcoming year.  I look forward to leading and providing value to the organization through an important phase in 2023 – 2024!


Ryan King
Chair, ACEC-SK Board of Directors