MLA Day 2021 - "Save the Week"

Everything is different in today’s world, yet everything is the same. ACEC-SK plans to continue with its advocacy efforts by hosting a virtual MLA Day during the first week of March 2021 to coincide with Engineering and Geoscience Week. 

If you are interested in adding your voice to ACEC-SK’s industry message, please note March 1 -7 in your calendar.  Once government advises us of the exact date, then ACEC-SK will advise the membership.  We encourage you to participate in this very high-profile industry event.  You can help make a difference!

The pandemic has pushed this industry in a direction no one could have foreseen just a year ago.  Our message will be very different than it was a year ago.  Watch for more details in the New Year.

Dec 21, 2020

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