Fall 2018: Watch for ACEC-SK's Industry Capacity Survey - Phase II

ACEC-SK undertook a baseline study of the state of the consulting engineering industry in 2016, with the results unveiled at a partner supported press conference in 2017.

Moving Forward

Phase II will dive more deeply into industry-specific detail – such as the particular disciplines that are in demand together with industry’s capacity to support this demand.  The mood of consulting engineering firms will also be gauged relative to the original baseline study to determine the industry’s forecasting in the short- and medium-term.

As the provincial economy shifts, so does the demand for consulting engineering services.  Clients consistently are asking our association if our members can respond to current demand.

The survey will be sent to principals in member firms as well as to non-member firms. When you see the survey, please ensure it is delegated into the right hands, and ensure your voice is heard.  It will be one more tool we can use to demonstrate how much this industry contributes to economic growth in this province.

August 20, 2018

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