SaskEnergy Engineering Opportunities Lunch Learn


Wednesday , February 24, 2021


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Brent Hale, Purchasing Agent

Richard Carlson, Manager, Buildings & Security


SaskEnergy will present information about a Prime Consultant role for a variety of facility enhancements and replacements on various SaskEnergy Properties throughout the province of Saskatchewan on an “as required” basis. The services obtained through the Prime Consultant could range from architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, interior design, construction management, project management, inspections, assessments, cost analysis and performance audits. 

SaskEnergy is looking for a team of professionals to leverage at any time where industry knowledge can be applied to the life cycle of buildings that could include: planning, acquisition, commissioning, operations and disposal of SaskEnergy’s accommodations. These buildings could include but not limited to offices, service centers, shops, maintenance buildings, storage buildings, yards and infrastructure that supports building operations.

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