PSMJ Virtual Project Management Bootcamp
Early Bird Registration Deadline: October 1, 2021
$1699 per person for ACEC-SK Members
$1899 per person for Non-Members
Regular Registration Deadline: October 29, 2021
$1799 per person for ACEC-SK Members
$1999 per person for Non-Members
Get ALL of the proven step-by-step instruction and career-boosting value, live and online, in six interactive 2-hour sessions from the convenience of your firm’s office or your home office.
THIS LIVE ONLINE version of PSMJ’s legendary training program is GUARANTEED to give you proven skills to improve project delivery, financial performance, and client satisfaction:
- Master the 11 must-use parts of an ironclad project schedule
- Avoid the 5 budget busters that put projects in a financial hole
- Negotiate win-win subcontractor agreements
- Seize opportunities for new revenue through upselling and cross-selling
- Learn the PM “wow!” factors that turn clients into evangelists for your firm
- Spot—and fix—issues before they become major problems
Hourly Schedule
Session 1
- Increase Productivity AND Develop New Business
- Keys to a Becoming a Super-Valued PM
Session 2
- Planning Projects & Managing Change
- Timeline Development Essentials for Meeting Milestones
Session 3
- Scheduling and Budgeting Projects to Hit Profit Targets
- Win at Budget and Cash Flow Management
Session 4
- Transform from Project Manager to Team Leader
- Relationship Development Techniques for Higher LTV
Session 5
- Managing Clients and Yourself
- Keys to Keeping Projects Profitable
Session 6
- Budget and Schedule with Earned Value Management
- Maintain Control of Projects and Stay Out of Trouble