2022 Virtual Industry Forum with Water Security Agency(WSA)


Wednesday May 11, 2022
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Infrastructure Updates and Networking Opportunities


Hourly Schedule


10:20am - 1030am
10:30am - 10:40am
WSA - Overview
John Fahlman, Senior Vice President, Technical Services and Chief Engineer
10:40am - 10:55am
Capital Overview
10:55am - 11:10am
Infrastructure Engineering
11:10am - 11:20am
11:20am - 11:35am
Owners Engineer
11:35am - 11:55am
O&M Projects & Dam Safety Projects
11:55am - 12:25pm
Lunch & Delegate Chat
12:25pm - 12:55pm
Drinking Water and Wastewater
12:55pm - 1:40pm
Break-out Q&A Sessions
Direct Conversations with Individual Presenters
1:40pm - 1:45pm
Closing Remarks