Award Gudelines Now Released

ACEC-SK 2025 Awards of Distinction – November 18, 2025 at TCU Place in Saskatoon

Award Guidelines Now Released: Intent to Submit Deadline April 25, 2025.

Once a year, typically in late fall, ACEC-SK promotes and acknowledges the achievements of its members and their teams.

Individual awards acknowledge lifetime achievement, future leaders, sustained and inspirational mentorship, plus member firm community initiatives.


The Brian Eckel awards showcase exceptional consulting engineering and geoscience projects by ACEC-SK member firms. 


Intent to Submit Deadline for ACEC-SK Awards of Distinction is April 25, 2025 

Only one page form to complete by the April 25th deadline.


Sponsorship Opportunities

The ACEC-SK Awards of Distinction provides the perfect opportunity for companies to reach key individuals in Saskatchewan’s consulting engineering industry. We provide a variety of sponsorship and marketing opportunities to help you communicate your brand, product, and solution to your target audience.

The 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities will be released in March 2025. Our team is here to assist you! If none of our sponsorship options meet your requirements, please contact us and we’ll work with you to develop a custom solution.

Contact Us
Emmanuella Nnebeife
Manager of Governance and Engagement 
T: 306.359.3338

Brian Eckel Awards:

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK) is proud to recognize, celebrate and promote outstanding engineering and geoscience projects delivered by Saskatchewan companies.  Its member firms are recognized locally, nationally and internationally for their knowledge, expertise and experience, and ACEC-SK is proud to showcase their talent.
Not only does the Awards of Distinction serve to honour member firms that have delivered outstanding projects.  These project awards also serve to raise the profile of the entire industry to the general publinc, highlighting the valuable contributions made by the consulting engineering industry as a whole to society.