
About our Association

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK) is the leading business advocate for Saskatchewan consulting engineering & geoscience firms.

ACEC-SK exists to promote the value consulting engineering companies bring to the economy, the environment and to society.

Our members’ services include planning, designing and implementing all types of engineering projects, and providing independent advice and expertise in a wide range of engineering-related fields.




Represents the Business of

Consulting Engineering

CONSULTING ENGINEERS are licensed professionals who have experience working in a wide variety of engineering disciplines across a wide range of industries. They use their multidisciplinary expertise to help their clients complete projects supporting society’s economic, environmental, and social needs.

CONSULTING ENGINEERING COMPANIES employ engineers, technologists, technicians and a myriad of other science- and business-based individuals who work on capital projects for multiple organizations, rather than being employed in-house by one company. They use their expertise in areas such as planning, design, construction and analysis of both public and private infrastructure.

CONSULTING ENGINEERING INDUSTRY serves as a trusted advisor to society on the planning, development and management of our natural and built environment.  The industry contributes directly and indirectly well over $2 billion annually to the Saskatchewan economy.

Our Vision

ACEC-SK serves as the voice of the consulting engineering industry in the province, continually promoting engineering business interests to a variety of audiences.

Our work involves advocating, education, providing networking opportunities and enhancing the image of consulting engineers. We keep an eye on the big picture in our industry, allowing our member firms to concentrate on engineering the natural and built environment.


    As a business association, ACEC-SK represents the Saskatchewan consulting engineering industry through fostering engaged members, clients and stakeholders as well as providing advocacy, public profile, and other business services beneficial to our members.

      Strategic Priorities

      Promote Member Interests

      We identify, influence and promote solutions supporting a stronger business climate for our members.  This includes informed, fair-minded procurement; balanced contract language; maximized market opportunities; and collaborative engagement to achieve continuous process improvement. 

      Member Engagement

      We create opportunities for our members, their clients, stakeholders, and the broader industry to develop relevant  professional, technical and soft skills; exchange information; and grow professional networks. 

      Public Profile

      We promote and enhance confidence and greater understanding of the roles and impacts of consulting engineers on society. ACEC-SK positions itself as the trusted resource for advanced industry information and works with our members to strive for professional excellence.


      ACEC-SK ensures a governance structure that aligns with its strategic plan, reviewing committee mandates and work plans for relevancy, ensuring staff allocation is balanced, ensuring succession planning is effective to ensure seamless leadership transition, and to use the resources it has to their maximum efficiency for the benefit of the organization.

      Why We Exist

      Whether for sole proprietors or global companies, since 1976 ACEC-SK has been the leading advocate in Saskatchewan for consulting engineers and geoscientists.


        Public & Private Projects

        ACEC-SK’s members are responsible for the design of any activity in the built environment that affects our quality of life, including such things as:                  

        •  roads and bridges
        •  schools, health and office buildings
        •  infrastructure
        •  technology
        •  industrial facilities
        •  environmental protection & clean-up

        Member Firms

        Member firms are uniquely positioned to identify industry issues, but one Consulting Engineering or Geoscience Company alone may not have the resources to affect change.  Our voice is stronger together.


        The Association

        The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK) provides a forum for members identify, influence and promote solutions as a unified voice.  When ACEC-SK addresses issues on behalf of its members, stakeholders, including local and provincial officials, take notice.